Has your Sleep Routine Been Disrupted?

sleep routine been disrupted

You may have a set sleep routine that you stick to each night like clockwork, this helps you to wind down from your day and get into the mindset of getting a good night’s sleep. There are times, however, where life happens, and you may experience a temporary or permanent disruption to your sleep routine….

Travelling with a CPAP Machine

travelling with a CPAP Machine

If you are planning on going away this summer, you may want to start thinking about the logistics of travelling with your CPAP machine. While it may seem like a big nuisance, taking the time in advance to prepare will help immensely when travelling, so you can still sleep well when you are away from…

Get your CPAP Ready for Summer

ResMed CPAP mask sleeping woman

With the hot weather slowly starting to make an appearance, now is a great time to make sure your CPAP machine is in great condition and ready for the warm summer nights. The hot weather tends to negatively affect those with sleep apnea, so making sure your CPAP machine is in good shape is vital…

Sleep Deprivation is Affecting your Love Life

Sleep Deprivation is Affecting your Love Life

While you know how important sleep is to your overall wellbeing, but did you know that poor sleep can also have a negative effect on your love life? Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to a happy and healthy relationship, and there are many ways that poor sleep can cause problems for you and…

Sleep Hygiene Tips for Warm Weather

a girl sleeping on the garden

The warmer weather has officially arrived in many places! As much as you may be enjoying the sunshine, you may have noticed that your sleep is affected by the warm temperatures. It’s important to know that certain sleep hygiene practices for cold weather don’t always apply when it’s warm out. Here are a few sleep…

How Aging Changes Your Sleep Patterns

a happy couple

If you are over age 65 and noticing that your sleep is not what it used to be when you were younger, you are not alone. Many older adults tend to notice changes in their sleep as they age, and at least half experience at least one sleep issue, whether it’s insomnia, sleep apnea or…

Sleep Apnea and Seasonal Allergies

sleep apnea and seasonal allergies

Are you suffering from seasonal allergies? You are not alone. Many people have to deal with the unpleasantness of allergy symptoms in the early spring, which can interfere with your ability to get a good night’s sleep. Allergies can be even worse for people who suffer from sleep apnea, since your airway is already compromised…

Sleep and Pregnancy

sleep and pregnancy

So you are expecting a little one! This can be both an exciting and overwhelming time with many changes happening to your body. One thing that many pregnant women notice is the numerous changes in sleep habits. Considering your body is growing a baby, this is to be expected. Sleep is most definitely not something…

How sugar affects your sleep

How sugar affects your sleep

If you just overindulged in some of the delicious Easter chocolate and desserts, take note! We all know how sugar is bad for you, but did you know that too much sugar can have a negative effect on your sleep? Despite this, many of us simply cannot live without some form of sugar, whether you…

Does your CPAP need a spring clean?

Does your CPAP nedd a spring clean

Now that the snow and cost weather is (mostly) gone, you may be taking the opportunity to do a bit of “spring cleaning” in many areas of your life. If you use a CPAP machine regularly to help with your sleep apnea, then this would be a great opportunity to give the parts of your…

What is Post Covid-19 Fatigue?

post covid fatigue

If you have ever tested positive for Covid-19 and you have found yourself feeling a lot more tired than normal afterwards, you are not alone. One of the many side effects of a Covid-19 infection, that has been known to affect many people is extreme fatigue. And unlike normal fatigue or daytime tiredness, this does…

Healthy Habits to Help With Sleep Apnea

healthy habits

Sleep apnea can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, or body type, however, there are certain lifestyle factors that can increase your risk and make the symptoms worse. While there is no cure for sleep apnea, and a CPAP machine may be the best choice for many people, there are some lifestyle changes you can…

The Link Between Sleep and Self-care


The idea of self-care has gained a ton of popularity in recent years and has been great for people to prioritize their overall health and wellness in many ways. Self-care is different for everyone, whether through a relaxing bubble bath, reading your favourite book, binge-watching your favourite TV show, eating a delicious healthy meal. Do…

Which Sleep Position is Best For You?

different sleep position

Everyone has a preferred position that they sleep in almost consistently whether it’s on your side, your back, or your front. The position you sleep in plays a big role in the quality of your sleep, and different positions have different benefits, so there is no one size fits all approach. Here are a few…

Common Sleep Problems for the Spring

common sleep problem for the spring

March 18th is World Sleep Day, and with spring officially starting very soon, we are looking at a few common sleep problems that many people experience at this time of year. Spring comes with not only a change in the weather, but you may also notice a few unwanted changes in your sleeping patterns. Here…

Good Night’s Sleep After a Night of Drinking

good night sleep after a night out

With St. Patrick’s Day coming up and the weather getting warmer, you may be thinking about going out for a few drinks with other people. As fun as this sounds, be careful! Drinking too much can have some pretty negative consequences on your sleep, not to mention the unpleasant “hangover” symptoms you may feel the…

Tips for Surviving “Covid-somnia”

tips for surviving covid somnia

We are now officially two years into the Covid-19 pandemic that has changed so much about our lives in many ways. Maybe you or someone you know battled the Covid-19 virus, maybe your job has been affected, maybe you have had to change your travel plans and maybe you have not been able to see…

Spring Forward your Sleep

Woman trying to stop the alarm

In just a few days, the clocks will be moving forward by one hour for the “spring forward” time change. Unlike the fall, where an hour is gained, the spring time change tends to be a little more difficult on many people. Since you lose an hour, your sleep schedule and routine may be thrown…

Sleep Differences in Women

sleep women

In honour of International Women’s Day on March 8th, we will be looking at sleep differences between women and men. While it may be easy to think that something like sleep affects both genders the same way, this is not necessarily the case. Here are a few of the major differences in sleep habits among…

An Overview of CPAP Supplies and Parts

CPAP Supplies and Parts

If you are newly diagnosed with sleep apnea, your doctor may have prescribed a treatment called a CPAP machine, which stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure and exhibits a continuous air flow through your system to prevent sleep apnea episodes. If you are new to the CPAP then you may be feeling a little overwhelmed…

What is Sleep Hygiene?

Sleep Hygiene

You may know hygiene as a term that refers to maintaining good overall health, whether through brushing your teeth daily or taking a shower to keep yourself clean. Sleep hygiene is basically the same idea. It refers to good habits to help you get a good night’s sleep, which is extremely important seeing how vital…

Is “Sleeping In” a Bad Thing?

woman sleeping

Many people spend the work week anticipating the extra sleep they will get on the weekend (or whenever their days off may fall). It can be a truly relaxing feeling where you don’t have to wake up to an alarm the next day. But can this be bad for your sleep? While it is generally recommended by sleep experts that you go to sleep and wake up…

Sleep Differences Amongst Couples

sleeping with your couple

Since Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, let’s talk sleep and your relationship. If you and your partner share a sleeping space, then you may already know that some of your sleeping habits and preferences may differ. While sharing a bed with the love of your life may sound romantic, many couples have opposing…

CPAP Maintenance Tips 2022

cleaning your cpap products

Your CPAP machine, much like any other valuable item you have, requires regular maintenance and care in order to function at its best and help alleviate your sleep apnea symptoms. It is not only a costly item but also extremely beneficial to your overall health so taking care of it is very important. Here are…

Sleep and Heart Health

The relationship between sleep and your heart

February is heart month in Canada, which brings awareness to the importance of cardiovascular health. For many people, good heart health includes eating well and exercising, but it is important to know that sleep also has a large role to play in a healthy heart too. Heart disease affects millions of Canadians each year, however,…

Is Burnout Affecting your Sleep?

burnout could affect your sleep

Have you ever felt the effects of burnout? This is a fairly newer term, yet this is extremely common amongst many adults in the workforce. Burnout happens when excessive and prolonged stress affects you to the point where you are physically and mentally exhausted. This typically stems from stress relating to your job, whether you…

How Sleep Affects your Mental Health

sleep affects your mental health

You may already know that sleep has a huge effect on your mental health. If you have ever found that your mental state is a little “off” after a bad night’s sleep, then you are not alone, it happens to all of us from time to time. Your brain, just like your body, needs time…

The Link Between Sleep and Postpartum Depression

sleep and postpartum depression

So, you just had a baby! While this is an exciting time in your life, your body just underwent some massive changes, and your life has been turned upside down as you have a small child to care for. Dealing with changes in hormone levels and accumulated fatigue from pregnancy in addition to caring for…

Different Types of CPAP Machines

types of CPAP machines

Your CPAP machine is one of the most valuable parts of your CPAP experience. After all, without the machine, the rest of the parts will not work! The CPAP machine is designed to generate continuous air pressure to relieve symptoms of sleep apnea. They are meant to last several years. If you are just starting…

The Link Between Sleep and Alzheimer’s

sleep and alzheimer's

January is Alzheimer’s awareness month in Canada. Alzheimer’s disease affects many older adults and can cause their thinking ability and memory to deteriorate over time. These patients face numerous struggles with their day-to-day lives, including sleep. If you are caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, there are a few important things to know about…

Insomnia and Pandemic Stress

Insomnia and pandemic stress

Do you find yourself experiencing insomnia more than ever these days? With the recent rise in Covid-19 cases thanks to the new Omicron variant, this is extremely common. A lot has recently changed with respect to gatherings, travel, work from home orders, and more, and many people are experiencing stress and not sleeping well as…

Tips for Better Sleep in the New Year

how to sleep better in the New Year

Do you have a New Years’ resolution yet? If not, 2022 may be the year to improve your sleep. Resolutions to do with overall health and wellness are very common. Many people find that their sleeping habits are slacking quite a bit once the new year rolls around. The change of routine from the holidays…

Sleep and the winter solstice

sleep on winter

December 21st marks the shortest day of the year, otherwise known as the winter solstice. What does this mean for your sleep? The winter solstice occurs when the amount of daylight is the shortest it will be all year based on how the sun moves around the earth. If the lack of daylight is already…

Sleep Tips for the Holidays

sleep tips on the holidays

The holiday season can be such a wonderful time of year, but it can also be very disruptive to your sleep schedule in a number of ways. Don’t let the lack of sleep turn you into a grinch! Here are a few ways in which your sleep can be disrupted over the holidays, and how…

Sleep Tips for Holiday Travel

woman sleeping on the plain

Thinking of going away over the holiday? Many people experience poor sleep whenever they travel, whether they are going to an unknown destination or staying with family. All of the excitement and disrupted routines surrounding the holidays do not help either. Whether you are going on a road trip or braving the airports to venture…

Get Your CPAP Ready For The Winter

woman putting the cpap mask

The nights are starting to get colder, but this doesn’t mean that your sleep needs to suffer as a result. Sleep apnea symptoms have been known to be much worse in the wintertime, thanks to the cold and dry air that can dry out your mouth and nasal passages, making it more difficult to sleep….

Tips for Sleeping When You Have a Cold

woman blowing her noise

The dreaded cold and flu season is upon us, and chances are, you may be affected by a cold or flu at some point, no matter how vigilant you are at washing your hands and disinfecting the area around you. Many cold and flu symptoms also tend to make sleeping incredibly uncomfortable, which is the…

The Connection Between Sleep Apnea and Genetics

sleep apnea and genetics

If you have someone in your family who has been diagnosed with sleep apnea, it may be natural to wonder if you will develop sleep apnea too. There has been a lot of research done over the years that looks at the connection between sleep apnea and genetics. While sleep apnea can run in the…

OSA vs CSA: The Main Differences

man sleeping

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that comes in two different forms; Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) and Central Sleep Apnea (CSA). While both forms of sleep apnea cause a pause in breathing while you sleep, the reasoning behind this breathing interruption is what divides these two forms. Obstructive Sleep Apnea OSA is the more…

The Connection Between Sleep and your Mood

the connection between sleep and your mood

Sleep has a lot to do with your overall mood. You may already notice that nights with poor sleep can lead to you feeling irritable or stressed the following day, and nights where you sleep well lead to you feeling relaxed and happy.   There have been many studies done over the years linking the…

CPAP Humidification in the Cold Months

cpap humidification product

If you use a CPAP machine and you are finding yourself waking up feeling a little dry and stuffed up these days, then you are not alone. This is very common amongst CPAP users, especially in the cooler months. But fear not, there are ways to fix this. Did you know that you can get…

The Connection Between Sleep and Caffeine

sleep and caffeine connection

Caffeine is not just part of your morning coffee. While a cup of joe in the morning is a part of the morning routine for many people, there is so much more to caffeine that you may not know, and believe it or not, there are many ways in that it can affect your sleep…

The Benefits of Heated CPAP Tubing

AirMini F30 Setup Pack

Now that the nights are getting colder, the air outside is also getting dry. If you regularly use a CPAP machine to help treat your sleep apnea, then you will know that dry air can be your worst enemy. If you are waking up with a sore throat or a dry nose then you are…

Don’t Let your Sleep Suffer from Daylight Savings


In just a few days, the clocks will all fall back an hour thanks to the daylight savings time change. So while you actually gain an extra hour of sleep, this tends to wreak havoc on many people’s sleep schedules. Many people have a hard time transitioning their sleep habits to the new time, and…

How Sleep Apnea Affects Women

woman trying to sleep

You probably know by now that Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) mostly affects older adults, and/or individuals with pre-existing health issues. While over half of the sleep apnea diagnoses each year are in men, let’s not forget that OSA affects a lot of women too, and unfortunately, a lot of OSA cases in women are left…

Sleep Tips for Halloween Night!

people on halloween

The spookiest night of the year is coming up in just a few short days. If you have kids, chances are, everyone’s sleep routine may be a little off that night thanks to all of the excitement surrounding Halloween. Whether you are going trick-or-treating with the kids or staying at home to hand out candy,…

Are Changes in the Weather Affecting your Sleep?

weather changes affects sleeps

Now that the weather outside is becoming cooler and the hot summer nights are behind us for another year, you may find that some of your sleep habits are a little different these days. This is completely normal.   Your body does a lot of work in regulating your 24-hour sleep-wake cycle and the temperature…

Does Insurance Cover Your CPAP Machine?

cpap machine

If you suffer from sleep apnea and use CPAP therapy to help you sleep at night, then you will probably know that the machine and all of the necessary parts for it can be extremely costly. Your sleep is vital to your overall well-being, therefore investing in it is worthwhile, however, your wallet may not…

Is your Teen Getting Enough Sleep?

a teen having problem to sleep

Teenagers can be known for sleeping very long hours, but it doesn’t mean that they are lazy. Teens actually need more sleep than adults as they are going through a significant period of growth and transition at that stage in life. Teens in the age 12-18 category can be very busy between school, extra-curricular activities,…

Breast Cancer and Sleep Apnea

breast cancer and sleep apnea

October is breast cancer awareness month, and there are many initiatives happening to raise awareness for this devastating disease. Breast cancer affects thousands of women in Canada every year, and chances are, you may know someone who has been affected by it. Did you know that sleep disorders, including sleep apnea, can increase your risk…

Sleep Tips for Thanksgiving

turkey on thanksgiving

Canadian Thanksgiving is coming up in just a few short days. Maybe you are planning on gathering with loved ones and eating a big dinner complete with turkey and pumpkin pie. Or perhaps you are keeping the celebrations low key this year, but still plan on indulging in a delicious meal. Whatever your plans are,…

How Seasonal Affective Disorder Disrupts your Sleep

SAD disrupts your sleep

Seasonal Affective Disorder (otherwise known as SAD) is a form of depression that typically occurs each year around the time when the seasons’ transition. A lot of this is because of the shorter hours of sunlight, which can lead to a hormonal imbalance. This is extremely common in the fall months, and lots of people…

Is Smoking Making your Sleep Worse?

smoke makes you sleep worse?

You probably know that smoking cigarette can have a negative impact on your overall health, but did you know that smoking can be the cause of many sleep problems for adults? The effect of smoking cigarettes on sleep Smoking cigarettes can not only affect your body’s internal clock in a negative way, but it can…

Is your Mattress Hurting your Sleep?

is your mattress hurting your sleep

If you are having trouble sleeping at night, your mattress may be to blame. Since we do spend about a third of our life sleeping, skimping out on the quality and comfort of your mattress is not something you want to do! According to experts, the surface in which you sleep can have a huge…

Sleep Apnea in Children

Sleep Apnea in Children

Think sleep apnea doesn’t affect children? Think again. While it is not as common, children can occasionally be affected by a sleep disorder called pediatric obstructive sleep apnea. OSA in children may look a little different in children than it does for adults, however, it is important to remember that children require a good night’s…

Getting your CPAP Ready for the Fall Season

CPAP ready for the fall season

Now that the weather is slowly starting to transition into the cooler fall temperatures, the nights are now getting cooler. The fall can be a fantastic time to make sure your CPAP machine is in perfect working condition. This is to ensure your sleep apnea is being treated and you have a good night’s sleep…

Sleeping Tips for the Traveller

man sleeping on the train

Now that a few Covid-19 travel restrictions are slowly starting to lift in a few places, a lot of people are starting to plan for that trip that either got postponed, or that has been on their mind for the past year and a half while in quarantine.   If you do plan on traveling…

Six Sleep Tips for Post-Secondary Students

university studing falling asleep

With the long summer days coming to an end, classes for college and university are just starting for the year and whether you are going back to on-campus learning or your classes are still virtual, it’s time to get your sleep routine in check. It’s no secret that post-secondary students are not exactly known for…

Five Ways That Your Diet Can Impact Your Sleep

woman cooking vegetables

It’s no secret that sleep and nutrition play a vital part in your overall health, but did you know that there are certain ways that your diet can make it easier or harder for you to get a good night’s sleep? Fueling your body with the proper foods is essential to living a healthy lifestyle,…

Back to School Sleep Tips

school teen getting asleep on the classroom

With the summer winding down and the start of the school year just around the corner, the late nights and the bad habits that come with the summer holidays will soon be coming to an end. Whether you work at a school as a teacher or support staff employee, or you are getting your own…

Five Sleep Tips for Shift Workers

tips for shift workers

Do you work irregular hours (or overnight shifts) and find yourself struggling to maintain a sleep schedule? You are not alone. There are many people who don’t work the typical 9-5 hours, therefore they do not always sleep at the same time every night. Sleep is essential for you to be at your best, especially…

How the Pandemic May Have Affected Your Sleep

sleep habits on pandemic

It’s been almost a year and a half since the Covid-19 pandemic turned the world upside down. In that time, you may have noticed that your sleeping habits may be a lot different these days than they were 18 months ago which is the case for many people, whether they realize this or not.   …

What is REM Sleep?

Woman sleeping on bed

REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement and it is a vital stage of your sleep cycle. It’s something you may have heard of quite a bit but maybe you don’t really know what it is. What happens during the REM stage? The REM stage of your sleep cycle occurs approximately 90 minutes after you fall…

Relaxation Techniques for Sleeping

woman streching before sleep

Did you know that stress and anxiety are the cause of many sleep issues? Life happens to all of us and even the best sleepers may go through periods where they have trouble sleeping. The body’s response to stress is not necessarily one that benefits your sleep cycle and can lead to other sleep issues…

Six Common CPAP Problems and How to Fix Them

man holding a cpap machine

Your CPAP machine can be a fantastic tool for helping with your sleep apnea. But like any other technological device, it is not perfect and can have its common problems and frustrations. It is important to remember that you are not dealing with this alone. Many of these issues are very common amongst CPAP users…

The Effects of Technology on your Sleep

woman using the cellphone on the bed

Ever fallen asleep while texting or checking social media on your phone? Or maybe you are notorious for checking your email well into the night. Given how addictive our phones and other electronic can be, this is certainly something that has happened to many of us, it’s just too easy! As tempting as it may…

The Pros and Cons of Taking a Nap

man taking a nap

Are you unsure if taking a nap in the middle of the day is good for you? The Answer? It really depends. There are many instances where napping can provide a lot of benefits. However, a nap during the day may not necessarily be beneficial for everyone. The pros of napping There can be many…

Camping this Summer? Tips for Getting Good Sleep in a Tent

tips for good sleep in a tent

Camping has become more and more popular over the past few years, but especially in the past year thanks to pandemic travel restrictions. It’s easier than ever to truly get away and unplug without venturing too far from home. However, with tent camping comes the uncomfortable nights of sleeping on the ground and trying to…

Common Sleep Problems in Professional Athletes

athletes and their sleep behaviour

With the Summer Olympics in Tokyo starting very soon, you may be wondering about the sleep habits of professional athletes. It may be easy to think that they sleep well given all the physical activity they do, but that is not always the case, athletes are prone to developing sleep problems too. Getting a proper…

Need to Replace Some Parts of your CPAP Machine This Summer?

cpap replacement parts

If you’ve been using a CPAP machine for some time, then you may know that like anything else, some of the parts wear out eventually and will need to be replaced on a regular basis, no matter how often you clean them.   It may seem like a lot and it may seem costly at…

Summertime Sleeping Tips

sleep tips on summer

Are these long and hot summer days causing you to stay awake at night? Getting a good night’s sleep in the summer can be a bit trickier than you think. The days are much longer and the sun sets later. The hottest months of the year may also bring a change in your routine and…

Why CPAP Users Need a Support Team

man using a cpap machine being held by his wife

Starting a new journey with a CPAP machine can be challenging and terrifying. While you may feel excited to finally get your sleep apnea under control, you may not know much about the device, and learning to use it properly may take some time. You may also feel overwhelmed at the fact that you have…

Is Sleep Apnea Hurting your Relationship?

snoring partner disturbing the sleep of the other partner

Having sleep apnea doesn’t just affect your health and daytime function. Did you know that sleep apnea can have a big impact on your romantic relationships? Don’t let sleep apnea tear your relationship apart! It is actually quite common for couples to experience tension in the relationship because of sleeping issues, and untreated sleep apnea…

All About Insomnia

a man having insomnia

You may have often found yourself lying awake in bed at night, unable to fall and stay asleep, no matter how hard you try. Sometimes this is a rare, one-off occurrence, other times it can last for several days, weeks or even months. This is a common sleep disorder known as insomnia. Simply put, insomnia…

Sleep and Alcohol

a woman on the bed holding a glass of wine

Thinking about having a few drinks this weekend? Before you go too crazy, you should be aware of how alcohol could affect your ability to get a good night’s sleep. While having a few drinks in moderation is usually okay for sleeping, having too much can cause problems when bedtime comes around. And let’s face…

How to Create the Perfect Sleeping Environment

a well prepared bedroom

You may already know the importance of creating good sleeping habits overall, but did you know just how much of an impact your sleeping environment has? Making your bedroom the perfect sleeping environment is essential for a good quality sleep each night, so that you can function well during the daytime. After all, you spend…

Can Exercise Improve your Sleep Apnea?

a woman exercising and sleeping

Did you know that exercise has numerous benefits for your overall sleep cycle? This is especially true if you suffer from sleep apnea. Not only can proper exercise help you to fall asleep faster, but it can improve your quality of sleep overall. If you suffer from sleep apnea, many studies have made numerous connections…

Which CPAP Mask is right for me?

woman sleeping with a mask

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all of the different types of CPAP masks? You are not alone! If you are just starting out in your CPAP journey, you may have noticed that there are many different types of masks to use with your CPAP machine. The best one for you depends on a number of…

Using CPAP Machine in the Hot Weather

bed partners sleeping during summer with cpap machine

Summer may officially be around the corner, but for many places in the world (especially in some parts of Canada right now), the hot and sunny weather had already arrived in full force and many of the days are long and warm. While this may get you excited for all of the good things about…

The Connection between Sleep Apnea and Mental Health

person experiencing insomnia

Sleep plays an incredibly important role in both your mental and physical health overall. It is generally recommended by experts that you get 8-10 hours of sleep per night but if you are suffering from an untreated mental health disorder, you may find yourself experiencing numerous bouts of insomnia and get considerably less sleep at…

Four Myths about Sleep Apnea

a boy sleeping with a cpap machine

Sleep apnea, as you may know, is a condition that causes a pause in your breathing for approximately 10-30 seconds while you sleep and can happen up to several times in a night. There are many myths and misinformation around sleep apnea given how complex the condition can be. Here are four myths you may…

Is Remote Working Affecting Your Sleep?

remote work and sleep

Once the Covid-19 pandemic hit back in early 2020, many office employees found themselves all of a sudden having to work from home. While the remote working life certainly has its convenience and comforts, let’s not forget the many challenges it presents, such as navigating Zoom meetings and other new technologies as well as a…

I think I have sleep apnea, now what?

sleep apnea

For many people, a sleep apnea diagnosis, or even the possibility of having sleep apnea without a proper diagnosis can feel overwhelming and scary. It is important to know that this is a condition that is very treatable and can put you on track to getting a good night’s sleep again. Not treating a possible…

The Importance of Cleaning Your CPAP Device

cpap products

If you suffer from sleep apnea and you regularly use a CPAP Machine at night, you may be used to the fact that you have to keep your device clean on a regular basis. Not sticking to a regular cleaning routine for the various parts of your CPAP Device can result in the parts breaking…

The Truth about Using Cannabis as a Sleep Aid

cannabis and sleep

One of many questions that have become asked a little more in the past few years: can I use cannabis or medical marijuana to help me sleep? While the conversation around cannabis may have been a bit controversial at times (and still is) there has been a lot more research conducted on cannabis use over…

How Stress Affects your Sleep

stress affects your sleep

It is no secret that most of us have experienced stress in one way or another, especially these days seeing as we are still in the middle of a global health pandemic. Stress is something that can influence the body in so many ways, including how you sleep. If you have ever found yourself tossing…

Choosing the Right POC

Inogen One G4 Portable Oxygen Concentrator

Choosing the right portable oxygen concentrator (POC) is crucial for maintaining an active and healthy lifestyle. Here’s a guide to help you decide which product best suits your needs. Inogen One G4 The Inogen One G4 is ideal for those who prioritize portability and convenience. Weighing just 2.8 pounds, it is incredibly lightweight and compact,…

How To Clean A CPAP Mask

clean cpap mask

Regular cleaning of your CPAP mask is crucial for maintaining hygiene and ensuring effective therapy. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to clean your CPAP mask: CPAP Cleaning Supplies Here are some examples of CPAP cleaning supplies available on PAPSmart: Additional Tips By following these cleaning steps and using the right supplies, you can maintain…

What Is A CPAP Machine?

cpap machine

A CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine is a medical device used to treat sleep apnea, a condition where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. The machine delivers a steady stream of pressurized air through a mask, keeping the airways open to ensure uninterrupted breathing and restful sleep. How CPAP Machines Work CPAP machines…

The Best CPAP Mask for Side Sleepers

For side sleepers utilizing CPAP therapy, finding the right mask is crucial for a comfortable and effective sleep experience. Side sleeping can often pose challenges with mask stability and leakage, making it essential to explore masks specifically designed to accommodate this sleeping position. One standout option for side sleepers available at PAPSmart is the ResMed…

How To Keep Your CPAP Supplies Clean

Maintaining the cleanliness of your CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) supplies is essential for effective therapy and overall health. Proper cleaning helps prevent the accumulation of bacteria, mold, and other contaminants that can compromise the efficacy of your equipment. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step process to ensure your CPAP supplies…