Tag Archives: toronto

Sleep Hygiene Tips for Warm Weather

weather changes affects sleeps

The warmer weather has officially arrived in many places! As much as you may be enjoying the sunshine, you may have noticed that your sleep is affected by the warm temperatures. It’s important to know that certain sleep hygiene practices for cold weather don’t always apply when it’s warm out. Here are a few sleep…

Is your Mattress Hurting your Sleep?

is your mattress hurting your sleep

If you are having trouble sleeping at night, your mattress may be to blame. Since we do spend about a third of our life sleeping, skimping out on the quality and comfort of your mattress is not something you want to do! According to experts, the surface in which you sleep can have a huge…

Six Sleep Tips for Post-Secondary Students

university studing falling asleep

With the long summer days coming to an end, classes for college and university are just starting for the year and whether you are going back to on-campus learning or your classes are still virtual, it’s time to get your sleep routine in check. It’s no secret that post-secondary students are not exactly known for…