The Connection Between Sleep and your Mood

the connection between sleep and your mood

Sleep has a lot to do with your overall mood. You may already notice that nights with poor sleep can lead to you feeling irritable or stressed the following day, and nights where you sleep well lead to you feeling relaxed and happy.  

There have been many studies done over the years linking the lack of sleep to your overall mood. Here are a few factors to consider as to how poor sleep may be affecting your mood.


Stress happens to all of us at some point, and that tends to be one of the top causes of insomnia. Stress can also cause a lack of consistency with your sleeping routine, leaving you feeling moody the following day. Finding ways to manage day-to-day stress is important. Make sure you are also practicing good sleep hygiene habits and avoiding the use of technological devices before bedtime.  

Not getting enough sleep

The average adult requires around 8 hours of sleep each night, though some may perform better with closer to 9 or 10 hours. Lack of sleep tends to be a huge influence on your mood, which is why it is so important to make sure you are getting enough sleep. Make sure you keep a consistent sleeping routine that includes going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning.

Chronic Insomnia

Many adults suffer from chronic insomnia, which is where you have trouble falling and staying asleep at night and you may find yourself lying awake in bed for as much as several hours. There are many reasons for this; while stress is often a factor, there can be times when there is a bigger issue at hand that may require medical treatment, including night terrors, sleepwalking and untreated sleep apnea.

When to seek help

Sleep is vital to your overall mood and happiness. One night of sleep that is “off” is not generally a problem, as long as you get back on track the next day. If you have tried everything and still cannot sleep well, then it may be time to seek medical advice, especially if this is affecting your mood and/or performance during the daytime. This way you can work with your doctor to find a solution to help you sleep better.

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