Tag Archives: canada online cpap store

Has your Sleep Routine Been Disrupted?

sleep routine been disrupted

You may have a set sleep routine that you stick to each night like clockwork, this helps you to wind down from your day and get into the mindset of getting a good night’s sleep. There are times, however, where life happens, and you may experience a temporary or permanent disruption to your sleep routine….

What is Post Covid-19 Fatigue?

post covid fatigue

If you have ever tested positive for Covid-19 and you have found yourself feeling a lot more tired than normal afterwards, you are not alone. One of the many side effects of a Covid-19 infection, that has been known to affect many people is extreme fatigue. And unlike normal fatigue or daytime tiredness, this does…

Insomnia and Pandemic Stress

Insomnia and pandemic stress

Do you find yourself experiencing insomnia more than ever these days? With the recent rise in Covid-19 cases thanks to the new Omicron variant, this is extremely common. A lot has recently changed with respect to gatherings, travel, work from home orders, and more, and many people are experiencing stress and not sleeping well as…