Common Sleep Problems in Professional Athletes

athletes and their sleep behaviour

With the Summer Olympics in Tokyo starting very soon, you may be wondering about the sleep habits of professional athletes. It may be easy to think that they sleep well given all the physical activity they do, but that is not always the case, athletes are prone to developing sleep problems too. Getting a proper…

Need to Replace Some Parts of your CPAP Machine This Summer?

cpap replacement parts

If you’ve been using a CPAP machine for some time, then you may know that like anything else, some of the parts wear out eventually and will need to be replaced on a regular basis, no matter how often you clean them.   It may seem like a lot and it may seem costly at…

Summertime Sleeping Tips

sleep tips on summer

Are these long and hot summer days causing you to stay awake at night? Getting a good night’s sleep in the summer can be a bit trickier than you think. The days are much longer and the sun sets later. The hottest months of the year may also bring a change in your routine and…

Why CPAP Users Need a Support Team

man using a cpap machine

Starting a new journey with a CPAP machine can be challenging and terrifying. While you may feel excited to finally get your sleep apnea under control, you may not know much about the device, and learning to use it properly may take some time. You may also feel overwhelmed at the fact that you have…

Is Sleep Apnea Hurting your Relationship?

snoring partner disturbing the sleep of the other partner

Having sleep apnea doesn’t just affect your health and daytime function. Did you know that sleep apnea can have a big impact on your romantic relationships? Don’t let sleep apnea tear your relationship apart! It is actually quite common for couples to experience tension in the relationship because of sleeping issues, and untreated sleep apnea…

All About Insomnia

a man having insomnia

You may have often found yourself lying awake in bed at night, unable to fall and stay asleep, no matter how hard you try. Sometimes this is a rare, one-off occurrence, other times it can last for several days, weeks or even months. This is a common sleep disorder known as insomnia. Simply put, insomnia…

Sleep and Alcohol

a woman on the bed holding a glass of wine

Thinking about having a few drinks this weekend? Before you go too crazy, you should be aware of how alcohol could affect your ability to get a good night’s sleep. While having a few drinks in moderation is usually okay for sleeping, having too much can cause problems when bedtime comes around. And let’s face…

How to Create the Perfect Sleeping Environment

a well prepared bedroom

You may already know the importance of creating good sleeping habits overall, but did you know just how much of an impact your sleeping environment has? Making your bedroom the perfect sleeping environment is essential for a good quality sleep each night, so that you can function well during the daytime. After all, you spend…

Can Exercise Improve your Sleep Apnea?

a woman exercising and sleeping

Did you know that exercise has numerous benefits for your overall sleep cycle? This is especially true if you suffer from sleep apnea. Not only can proper exercise help you to fall asleep faster, but it can improve your quality of sleep overall. If you suffer from sleep apnea, many studies have made numerous connections…

Which CPAP Mask is right for me?

woman sleeping with a mask

Are you feeling overwhelmed with all of the different types of CPAP masks? You are not alone! If you are just starting out in your CPAP journey, you may have noticed that there are many different types of masks to use with your CPAP machine. The best one for you depends on a number of…