Tag Archives: Sleep Apnea

Surviving CPAP and the Summer Heat

a woman suffering the heat

Warm weather, long days, and beautiful blue skies – the signs that summer is here. While many people are thrilled about the arrival of the season, when you have sleep apnea, summer can lead to long, sleepless nights. However, you can beat that summer heat even when you use a CPAP machine to treat your…

How to Get the Best Results out of Your CPAP Machine

a girl sleeping on the garden

When you have trouble sleeping every night and feel exhausted even after just waking up, a visit to your doctor should be in order. If you are diagnosed with sleep apnea, your treatment may include using a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine. By wearing a small mask over your face and nose and with straps…

Snoring vs. Sleep Apnea

Most of us have all encountered someone who has snored, and maybe you are a snorer yourself. Although snoring can ruin the occasional night’s sleep, it can also be indicative of a more serious issue: sleep apnea. So what is the difference between snoring and sleep apnea? Snoring is typically caused when tissues flap against…

How Serious Is Snoring And Sleep Apnea?

If you are a snorer, then you could make sleep difficult for others around you. But the problem with snoring that, if it is a symptom of sleep apnea, your own health could be at risk – and not simply due to a poor sleep. Sleep apnea is a condition where your airways are constantly…

When Snoring Gets Serious.

girl having issues to sleep because his boyfriend is snoring

It doesn’t take long for regular old snoring to become quite annoying, particularly for someone who has to listen to it while trying to sleep. However, it is possible that that annoying snoring is actually indicative of a more serious health issue, which can be life-threatening. One such condition is sleep apnea. It can cause…

Five Steps To Selecting the Right CPAP

After you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, your doctor probably prescribed a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine to help you sleep at night. This machine sends a gentle stream of air through your airways to keep them open while you sleep. But there isn’t just one single type of CPAP machine. You need…

The Health Risks of Snoring

woman snoring in bed

It happens to many of us: we snore. Often, it is purely situational, due to nasal congestion or sleeping in a wrong position. But consistent snoring can, over time, affect the quality of your sleep to the detriment of your health. What causes snoring? Simply, you will snore when the air you breathe through your…

Sleepy All The Time? Find Out What Sleep Apnea Feels Like

Businesswoman sleeping at desk

One of the most common sleep disorders today is sleep apnea. This condition causes people to endure many breaks or pauses in their breathing while sleeping. Because it happens while asleep, many sufferers of sleep apnea may simply think that they are just the victims of poor sleeps, and nothing more. The issue is that,…

Ways to Treat Sleep Apnea

However elusive, getting a good night’s sleep is a crucial part of your health and well-being. If you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, then you know how difficult getting a quality sleep can be. If lifestyle changes, such as losing weight and cutting back on alcohol, have not had the effect you were hoping…