Tag Archives: Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea and your heart


By now, you know that sleep apnea can have some negative effects on your body if it is left untreated. One of those effects has to do with one of the most important organs in your body: your heart. According to an interview with Dr. Virend K Somers with the National Sleep Foundation, the connection…

History of CPAP

Can you believe that the CPAP machine is 34 years old? When you look at the original, it’s probably hard to believe that technology has come such a long way. Let’s go all the way back to 1970. Around that time, sleep was not as commonly studied medically as it is today, despite being one…

Introducing the Z1: A new travel CPAP unit that will actually wow you.

As great as your CPAP machine may be for when you sleep, it’s no secret that most machines are rather large and not the best travel partners. Pack your bags and get ready to get off the grid. The Z1 Unplugged is a brand-new, smaller CPAP machine that is smaller, quieter and comes with everything…

Sleep tips for runners

For all you runners out there, the night before a marathon run can feel like the night before Christmas. On the one night where getting enough sleep is crucial to your performance the next day, it’s easy to forgo sleeping in favor of tossing and turning and lying awake in anticipation. This is no time…

Sleep and Risk of Disease

The relationship between sleep and your overall health is a very important one. It’s one that we all cherish. When things get rocky with that relationship, it begins to affect how you live your daily life, much like any other relationship. Having a bad night’s sleep can put you in a bad mood and it…

Relaxation strategies for a better night’s sleep

Do you find yourself feeling wound up before you go to sleep, or do you frequently experience bouts with insomnia? You are not alone. In today’s busy, on-the-go world we live it, it’s easy to have a lot on our minds. When you go to sleep, however, it is important to be completely relaxed so…

Alcohol and Sleep- What you need to know

If you think that just one beer or wine will help you fall asleep at night after a long day, think again. While it’s easy for people to nod off after a few drinks, alcohol actually has negative effects on your quality of sleep. It is estimated that over a third of adults have used…