Tag Archives: Sleep Apnea

How the Pandemic May Have Affected Your Sleep

sleep habits on pandemic

It’s been almost a year and a half since the Covid-19 pandemic turned the world upside down. In that time, you may have noticed that your sleeping habits may be a lot different these days than they were 18 months ago which is the case for many people, whether they realize this or not.   …

Is Sleep Apnea Hurting your Relationship?

snoring partner disturbing the sleep of the other partner

Having sleep apnea doesn’t just affect your health and daytime function. Did you know that sleep apnea can have a big impact on your romantic relationships? Don’t let sleep apnea tear your relationship apart! It is actually quite common for couples to experience tension in the relationship because of sleeping issues, and untreated sleep apnea…

All About Insomnia

a man having insomnia

You may have often found yourself lying awake in bed at night, unable to fall and stay asleep, no matter how hard you try. Sometimes this is a rare, one-off occurrence, other times it can last for several days, weeks or even months. This is a common sleep disorder known as insomnia. Simply put, insomnia…

Can Exercise Improve your Sleep Apnea?

a woman exercising and sleeping

Did you know that exercise has numerous benefits for your overall sleep cycle? This is especially true if you suffer from sleep apnea. Not only can proper exercise help you to fall asleep faster, but it can improve your quality of sleep overall. If you suffer from sleep apnea, many studies have made numerous connections…

The Connection between Sleep Apnea and Mental Health

person experiencing insomnia

Sleep plays an incredibly important role in both your mental and physical health overall. It is generally recommended by experts that you get 8-10 hours of sleep per night but if you are suffering from an untreated mental health disorder, you may find yourself experiencing numerous bouts of insomnia and get considerably less sleep at…

Four Myths about Sleep Apnea

a boy sleeping with a cpap machine

Sleep apnea, as you may know, is a condition that causes a pause in your breathing for approximately 10-30 seconds while you sleep and can happen up to several times in a night. There are many myths and misinformation around sleep apnea given how complex the condition can be. Here are four myths you may…

I think I have sleep apnea, now what?

sleep apnea

For many people, a sleep apnea diagnosis, or even the possibility of having sleep apnea without a proper diagnosis can feel overwhelming and scary. It is important to know that this is a condition that is very treatable and can put you on track to getting a good night’s sleep again. Not treating a possible…

The Truth about Using Cannabis as a Sleep Aid

cannabis and sleep

One of many questions that have become asked a little more in the past few years: can I use cannabis or medical marijuana to help me sleep? While the conversation around cannabis may have been a bit controversial at times (and still is) there has been a lot more research conducted on cannabis use over…

How Stress Affects your Sleep

stress affects your sleep

It is no secret that most of us have experienced stress in one way or another, especially these days seeing as we are still in the middle of a global health pandemic. Stress is something that can influence the body in so many ways, including how you sleep. If you have ever found yourself tossing…

Back to School Sleep Tips

After the fun and relaxed pace of summer, easing back into the school year routine can be daunting. But starting and maintaining a heathy sleep schedule is crucial to your child’s ability to learn, engage, and grow. Here are five easy tips to help your child adjust to the right style of sleep needed for…