Tag Archives: CPAP

Sleepy All The Time? Find Out What Sleep Apnea Feels Like

Businesswoman sleeping at desk

One of the most common sleep disorders today is sleep apnea. This condition causes people to endure many breaks or pauses in their breathing while sleeping. Because it happens while asleep, many sufferers of sleep apnea may simply think that they are just the victims of poor sleeps, and nothing more. The issue is that,…

Getting ready for 2016: New Year’s Resolution tips for CPAP Users

Happy 2016! The New Year signifies a fresh start and a new beginning for many people. Some try to exercise more and eat better, others simply strive to be more open minded in their lives. If you use a CPAP machine, the New Year can also be a perfect time to step it up in…

Keeping up with your CPAP routine throughout the holidays

a couple enjoying on the beach

It’s that time of the year again! For many of us, the Christmas holidays often involves spending time with loved ones, and yes, indulging in some stuff that you may not normally be into during the year. This includes alcohol, delicious food, lots of stress and many late nights. As fun (or not) as it…

The dreaded cold and flu season: survival tips for CPAP users

cpap flu season

Well, it’s that time of the year again. People all around you have been feeling under the weather and you probably have figured out that cold and flu season is in full swing. If you haven’t come down with something already, chances are, either you or someone you know will get something soon enough. If…

CPAP usagein the post-secondary student

a studen felt asleep reading a book

Welcome to the university and college lifestyle. This includes lots of studying, meeting important deadlines, social pressures, partying, the occasional alcoholic drink, and poor sleep habits. Amongst all the stress and fun parts of being in college, sleep apnea in that age bracket has been surprisingly on the rise over the past few years. The…

Sleep Apnea and Arthritis

sleep apnea arthritis

September is Arthritis Awareness month, and there is a lot to be said for its connection to sleep apnea, and of sleep problems in general.A study done in the UK in 2012 states that heavy snorers are twice as likely to develop rheumatoid arthritis. It also mentions that a large portion of arthritis patients who…

Five signs that it’s time for a new CPAP mask

a man using cppa mask replacement

So you’ve been using your CPAP mask for a quite a while and you’re finding that it is starting to wear down. Believe it or not, it is very important to be aware of when to replace your CPAP mask. Just like any piece of clothing that you own, it can get worn out over…