Tag Archives: effects of sleep apnea

Your Mood and Your Sleep

A good quality sleep has a multitude of benefits: better focus, lower blood pressure, and greater overall energy. But what happens when you don’t get sufficient sleep or a quality one? You suffer – both physically and mentally. If you suffer from sleep apnea, then you are well aware of the effects that consistently poor…

OSA and Heart Disease

Getting a good night’s sleep is vital for feeling rested and alert. So what happens when you frequently have poor sleep? Not only do you feel irritable and unable to focus, it can also affect the health of your heart. It’s true. Consistently poor sleeps can lead to extra strain on your heart by narrowing…

CPAP Tips for Fall

When the heat of summer finally subsides and the cool, crisp nights of autumn arrive, nothing seems sweeter than a cozy sleep. Unless you have sleep apnea. While the summer heat certainly presents problems for sleeping, the autumn has its own unique issues. Here are some tips to help you get the sleep you need:…

Back to School Sleep Tips

It’s that time of year that students dread – or love – the most – back to school. With the teachers, homework, and assignments, the ability to be well rested can be difficult. But regardless of your school schedule, getting a good night’s rest is important to your studies and your health – and it…

Starting Out With OSA and CPAP

Being diagnosed with a sleep disorder can be difficult to digest. It is something that can be hard to accept and even more so when the prescribed solution is to wear a CPAP device. Getting used to a device that you must sleep with every night can be difficult for some and many new CPAP…

Why Treat Sleep Apnea?

It’s a sleep disorder that causes you to experience pauses of breath, often for 10 or more seconds at a time. Although you may not be directly aware of it, you do feel its effects – irritability, lack of concentration, extreme fatigue each and every day. It’s called sleep apnea. Sleep apnea happens because your…

What is Sleep Disordered Breathing?

Sleep disordered breathing is an issue marked by unusual breathing patterns when you sleep due to the tissues in your airway vibrating and collapsing.  Sleep disordered breathing refers usually to snoring and sleep apnea. Sleep apnea, a type of sleep disordered breathing, occurs when you stop breathing for at least 10 seconds at a time while…

Tips for CPAP Beginners

Using a CPAP machine can take some getting used to. It’s important to take the time needed to feel comfortable with the machine and the process of using it every night. Here are a few tips to help ensure the best experience. Ease Into It Try using the machine for short periods during the day….

Pros and Cons of Different CPAP Mask Styles

In this post, we will look at the pros and cons of three types of CPAP masks and the pro and cons of each. 1. Full Face Mask Full face masks completely cover the mouth and nose and most of the face using straps to keep the mask secure. Pros Ideal for those who breathe…

CPAP Mask Basics For When You’re Just Starting Out

It is estimated that 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, which means you cease breathing several times during the night. The disease is resulted by airway obstruction. The suffers’ doctor may recommend continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. A CPAP machine employs a hose and mask to supply sufficient and consistent air pressure. According to experts, 50 percent…