Tag Archives: CPAP

Pros and Cons of Different CPAP Mask Styles

In this post, we will look at the pros and cons of three types of CPAP masks and the pro and cons of each. 1. Full Face Mask Full face masks completely cover the mouth and nose and most of the face using straps to keep the mask secure. Pros Ideal for those who breathe…

CPAP Mask Basics For When You’re Just Starting Out

It is estimated that 22 million Americans suffer from sleep apnea, which means you cease breathing several times during the night. The disease is resulted by airway obstruction. The suffers’ doctor may recommend continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy. A CPAP machine employs a hose and mask to supply sufficient and consistent air pressure. According to experts, 50 percent…

Creating a CPAP Friendly Bedroom

Do you ever need help getting to sleep? Now just imagine what that could be like if you had sleep apnea. Getting used to your CPAP machine will go a long way in having those great sleeps again. But what about actually getting to sleep? Having the right look and feel in your bedroom will not only…

Introducing CPAP to Your Partner

Whether you’ve been in a committed relationship for years or you are part of the dating scene, introducing CPAP to your partner can be a challenge. If you use a CPAP machine to treat your sleep apnea, how do you introduce your equipment to your partner?  Keep in mind that your relationship and your CPAP machine…

CPAP and Allergies

If you use CPAP equipment to treat your sleep apnea, summer time can bring about wonderful warm weather – but also seasonal allergies. This presents some unique challenges. As a CPAP user, the right equipment, proper care, and extra personal attention can make all the difference. Symptoms of Congestion from Seasonal Allergies If you have…

CPAP Supplies Basics

Sleep apnea is a condition where your muscles in your throat and air passages relax while you sleep. This can cause a blockage in your airways, resulting in frequent nighttime interruptions. Sufferers will experience constant fatigue, irritation, and without treatment, could lead to more serious issues such as stroke or heart attack. One therapy used…

CPAP Travel Tips

Living with sleep apnea is not the easiest thing to do. Travelling with a CPAP machine can seem overwhelming – but it doesn’t have to be. With some planning and preparation, you can travel locally or abroad, in luxury suites or in the great outdoors without problem. Here are some travel tips to get you…

CPAP Mask Breakdown and How it Happens

If you have sleep apnea, then one of your recommended therapies is to use a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine whenever you sleep. But like any piece of equipment, usage and time can cause any part of your CPAP machine, such as the mask, to break down.  Why is this? First – what is…

Summer CPAP Tips

Sunny days, cool breezes, and long stretches of warm weather – it must be summer! But if you have sleep apnea, then those summer days and warm nights can make sleep difficult, even if you use a CPAP machine. But there are ways you can make sleeping not just possible but refreshing, even in the…

Tips for CPAP Newbies

Sleep apnea would be a far greater hardship without the use of your trusty CPAP machine, but did you know that it might be able to bring you even more relief than it already does? Here are three tips to ensure that you’re using this treatment to its fullest advantage. Check Your Fit If your mask doesn’t…