Tag Archives: Better Sleep

Is “Sleeping In” a Bad Thing?

woman sleeping

Many people spend the work week anticipating the extra sleep they will get on the weekend (or whenever their days off may fall). It can be a truly relaxing feeling where you don’t have to wake up to an alarm the next day. But can this be bad for your sleep? While it is generally recommended by sleep experts that you go to sleep and wake up…

Sleep Differences Amongst Couples

sleeping with your couple

Since Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, let’s talk sleep and your relationship. If you and your partner share a sleeping space, then you may already know that some of your sleeping habits and preferences may differ. While sharing a bed with the love of your life may sound romantic, many couples have opposing…

CPAP Maintenance Tips 2022

cleaning your cpap products

Your CPAP machine, much like any other valuable item you have, requires regular maintenance and care in order to function at its best and help alleviate your sleep apnea symptoms. It is not only a costly item but also extremely beneficial to your overall health so taking care of it is very important. Here are…

Sleep and Heart Health

The relationship between sleep and your heart

February is heart month in Canada, which brings awareness to the importance of cardiovascular health. For many people, good heart health includes eating well and exercising, but it is important to know that sleep also has a large role to play in a healthy heart too. Heart disease affects millions of Canadians each year, however,…

Is Burnout Affecting your Sleep?

burnout could affect your sleep

Have you ever felt the effects of burnout? This is a fairly newer term, yet this is extremely common amongst many adults in the workforce. Burnout happens when excessive and prolonged stress affects you to the point where you are physically and mentally exhausted. This typically stems from stress relating to your job, whether you…

How Sleep Affects your Mental Health

sleep affects your mental health

You may already know that sleep has a huge effect on your mental health. If you have ever found that your mental state is a little “off” after a bad night’s sleep, then you are not alone, it happens to all of us from time to time. Your brain, just like your body, needs time…

The Link Between Sleep and Postpartum Depression

sleep and postpartum depression

So, you just had a baby! While this is an exciting time in your life, your body just underwent some massive changes, and your life has been turned upside down as you have a small child to care for. Dealing with changes in hormone levels and accumulated fatigue from pregnancy in addition to caring for…

Different Types of CPAP Machines

types of CPAP machines

Your CPAP machine is one of the most valuable parts of your CPAP experience. After all, without the machine, the rest of the parts will not work! The CPAP machine is designed to generate continuous air pressure to relieve symptoms of sleep apnea. They are meant to last several years. If you are just starting…

The Link Between Sleep and Alzheimer’s

sleep and alzheimer's

January is Alzheimer’s awareness month in Canada. Alzheimer’s disease affects many older adults and can cause their thinking ability and memory to deteriorate over time. These patients face numerous struggles with their day-to-day lives, including sleep. If you are caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s, there are a few important things to know about…

Insomnia and Pandemic Stress

Insomnia and pandemic stress

Do you find yourself experiencing insomnia more than ever these days? With the recent rise in Covid-19 cases thanks to the new Omicron variant, this is extremely common. A lot has recently changed with respect to gatherings, travel, work from home orders, and more, and many people are experiencing stress and not sleeping well as…