Tag Archives: Better Sleep

Getting The Most Out Of Your CPAP

Once you have been diagnosed with sleep apnea, you most likely have been prescribed a CPAP machine to get a better sleep. However, getting used to sleeping with a CPAP machine can take some getting used to. Here are some basic tips to help you get the most out of your sleep apnea machine: Start…

Life With CPAP

Who doesn’t enjoy a good night’s sleep? For many people, this could involve exercise, fresh air, a well-balanced diet, and a decent bed time. If you have sleep apnea, then you need to add an extra component to your routine: a CPAP machine. While it will help you get better sleeps, a CPAP machine does…

Top Tips For Your 2018 Sleep Health

There are few things that can affect quality of life more than your sleep! Just think – when you are well rested, you tend to be happier, feel more energetic, and have better focus. These aspects trickle through to every aspect of life, including family, friendship, work, and personal goals. So how can you help ensure…

What is the difference between CPAP and APAP?

When you have sleep apnea, getting treatment is the right step to feeling rested and becoming healthy again. Chances are you were prescribed a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine as part of your treatment. By wearing a mask over your face or mouth, this device sends a steady and continuous flow of air through…

Your Fall and Winter CPAP Survival Guide

Temperatures have taken a dip.  As we get away from warmer temperatures and move toward colder nights, it may be time to consider how humidity affects your CPAP.  During the Fall and Winter months our indoor air usually becomes drier.  This could cause dry nasal passages, increase cold symptoms, and issues with congestion. Many of…

CPAP With Humidity – All you need to know!

When you are prescribed a CPAP machine to treat your sleep apnea, you may feel that you have a new lease on life! Better sleep, increased concentration, and overall quality health – what more could you ask for? The potential issue is that, because your CPAP machine gently pushes air into your airways, this action…

Back to School Sleep Tips

After the fun and relaxed pace of summer, easing back into the school year routine can be daunting. But starting and maintaining a heathy sleep schedule is crucial to your child’s ability to learn, engage, and grow. Here are five easy tips to help your child adjust to the right style of sleep needed for…

Surviving CPAP and the Summer Heat

a woman suffering the heat

Warm weather, long days, and beautiful blue skies – the signs that summer is here. While many people are thrilled about the arrival of the season, when you have sleep apnea, summer can lead to long, sleepless nights. However, you can beat that summer heat even when you use a CPAP machine to treat your…