Tag Archives: Online CPAP store

Is your Mattress Hurting your Sleep?

is your mattress hurting your sleep

If you are having trouble sleeping at night, your mattress may be to blame. Since we do spend about a third of our life sleeping, skimping out on the quality and comfort of your mattress is not something you want to do! According to experts, the surface in which you sleep can have a huge…

Sleep Apnea in Children

Sleep Apnea in Children

Think sleep apnea doesn’t affect children? Think again. While it is not as common, children can occasionally be affected by a sleep disorder called pediatric obstructive sleep apnea. OSA in children may look a little different in children than it does for adults, however, it is important to remember that children require a good night’s…

Getting your CPAP Ready for the Fall Season

CPAP ready for the fall season

Now that the weather is slowly starting to transition into the cooler fall temperatures, the nights are now getting cooler. The fall can be a fantastic time to make sure your CPAP machine is in perfect working condition. This is to ensure your sleep apnea is being treated and you have a good night’s sleep…

Sleeping Tips for the Traveller

man sleeping on the train

Now that a few Covid-19 travel restrictions are slowly starting to lift in a few places, a lot of people are starting to plan for that trip that either got postponed, or that has been on their mind for the past year and a half while in quarantine.   If you do plan on traveling…

Six Sleep Tips for Post-Secondary Students

university studing falling asleep

With the long summer days coming to an end, classes for college and university are just starting for the year and whether you are going back to on-campus learning or your classes are still virtual, it’s time to get your sleep routine in check. It’s no secret that post-secondary students are not exactly known for…

Five Ways That Your Diet Can Impact Your Sleep

woman cooking vegetables

It’s no secret that sleep and nutrition play a vital part in your overall health, but did you know that there are certain ways that your diet can make it easier or harder for you to get a good night’s sleep? Fueling your body with the proper foods is essential to living a healthy lifestyle,…

Back to School Sleep Tips

school teen getting asleep on the classroom

With the summer winding down and the start of the school year just around the corner, the late nights and the bad habits that come with the summer holidays will soon be coming to an end. Whether you work at a school as a teacher or support staff employee, or you are getting your own…

Five Sleep Tips for Shift Workers

tips for shift workers

Do you work irregular hours (or overnight shifts) and find yourself struggling to maintain a sleep schedule? You are not alone. There are many people who don’t work the typical 9-5 hours, therefore they do not always sleep at the same time every night. Sleep is essential for you to be at your best, especially…

How the Pandemic May Have Affected Your Sleep

sleep habits on pandemic

It’s been almost a year and a half since the Covid-19 pandemic turned the world upside down. In that time, you may have noticed that your sleeping habits may be a lot different these days than they were 18 months ago which is the case for many people, whether they realize this or not.   …

What is REM Sleep?

Woman sleeping on bed

REM stands for Rapid Eye Movement and it is a vital stage of your sleep cycle. It’s something you may have heard of quite a bit but maybe you don’t really know what it is. What happens during the REM stage? The REM stage of your sleep cycle occurs approximately 90 minutes after you fall…