Working CPAP into your life: 10 tips to make it easier

So you’ve just been diagnosed with sleep apnea and you have been told by your doctor that you have to use a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine in order to treat this condition. This will be a bit of a change for your lifestyle and for your bedtime routine. You may feel embarrassed to…

Sleep and Risk of Disease

The relationship between sleep and your overall health is a very important one. It’s one that we all cherish. When things get rocky with that relationship, it begins to affect how you live your daily life, much like any other relationship. Having a bad night’s sleep can put you in a bad mood and it…

Relaxation strategies for a better night’s sleep

Do you find yourself feeling wound up before you go to sleep, or do you frequently experience bouts with insomnia? You are not alone. In today’s busy, on-the-go world we live it, it’s easy to have a lot on our minds. When you go to sleep, however, it is important to be completely relaxed so…

Alcohol and Sleep- What you need to know

If you think that just one beer or wine will help you fall asleep at night after a long day, think again. While it’s easy for people to nod off after a few drinks, alcohol actually has negative effects on your quality of sleep. It is estimated that over a third of adults have used…

Summer Allergies and Snoring

Dealing with allergies at any time of the year isn’t fun. Suffering from allergies in the summer months, when you’re supposed to be enjoying all that summer has to offer is even worse. Add snoring into the mix and you may be really struggling. So why is it that some people’s allergies get worse in…

The connection between Sleep and Testosterone

Testosterone: also known as the “male hormone.” It is known for stimulating the production of male sexual characteristics and is essential for building muscle mass, strength and bone density. It is naturally produced in your body. Even women are said have a little bit of testosterone (although not nearly as much compared to our male…