Tag Archives: cpap machine maintenance

Insomnia and Pandemic Stress

Insomnia and pandemic stress

Do you find yourself experiencing insomnia more than ever these days? With the recent rise in Covid-19 cases thanks to the new Omicron variant, this is extremely common. A lot has recently changed with respect to gatherings, travel, work from home orders, and more, and many people are experiencing stress and not sleeping well as…

Sleep and the winter solstice

sleep on winter

December 21st marks the shortest day of the year, otherwise known as the winter solstice. What does this mean for your sleep? The winter solstice occurs when the amount of daylight is the shortest it will be all year based on how the sun moves around the earth. If the lack of daylight is already…

Sleep Tips for the Holidays

sleep tips on the holidays

The holiday season can be such a wonderful time of year, but it can also be very disruptive to your sleep schedule in a number of ways. Don’t let the lack of sleep turn you into a grinch! Here are a few ways in which your sleep can be disrupted over the holidays, and how…

Sleep Tips for Holiday Travel

woman sleeping on the plain

Thinking of going away over the holidays? Many people experience poor sleep whenever they travel, whether they are going to an unknown destination or staying with family. All of the excitement and disrupted routines surrounding the holidays do not help either. Whether you are going on a road trip or braving the airports to venture…

The Importance of Cleaning Your CPAP Device

cpap products

If you suffer from sleep apnea and you regularly use a CPAP Machine at night, you may be used to the fact that you have to keep your device clean on a regular basis. Not sticking to a regular cleaning routine for the various parts of your CPAP Device can result in the parts breaking…

CPAP and COVID19: Your Questions Answered

If you have Sleep Apnea, you may be worried about CPAP and COVID19. Take a read below for tips and info. Does having Sleep Apnea make me high risk for COVID19? There is no evidence linking sleep apnea with coronavirus risk. According to the centre for disease control (CDC), People who have a higher risk for…

Festive Season 2020 – CPAP Tips

It’s going to be a very different festive season this year. Not as much cooking and shopping and going out to holiday gatherings as we’re used to. While we can still find ways to have fun in our social bubbles, the stress of 2020 can also get exhausting. That’s why getting enough quality sleep is…

Autumn Sleep Tips

Autumn has arrived! That means crisp days and cozy, comfy sleeps. Or does it? For some people, autumn can means poor sleeps, and this can happen for various reasons. If you are one of these people, or if you just want to ensure restful nights, here are some autumn sleep tips to remember: Get outside:…

Back To School Season Sleep Tips

Whether you are a parent, a student, a grandparent or a teacher, back to school time means a shift from a relaxed summer schedule to the regular school routine! If you had a great summer with plenty of downtime, then returning to school can be a bit of a shock. And those changes can affect…

CPAP – A Lifelong Therapy

If you have sleep apnea, your doctor will likely recommend a CPAP machine to help you return to a healthy and happy you. But you may wonder – do you have to use your CPAP machine forever? Like many answers in life: that depends. For most, the answer is yes.  CPAP is a lifelong therapy…